Oct 01, 2024  
2024 - 2025 Cowley College Academic Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Cowley College Academic Catalog



1 Credit Hour

Student Level:  

This course is open to students on the college level in either the freshman or sophomore year.

Catalog Description of the Course: 

BIO4110 - Biology Review (1 hr)  

A course designed to introduce materials covered in BIO4111 Principles of Biology.  It is recommended for students planning to take BIO4150 Human Anatomy and Physiology or BIO4160 Microbiology but has not had a recent life science course, or students wishing to prepare for BIO4111 Principles of Biology.

Course Classification: 




Core Outcomes:

The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course meet, or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course, as sanctioned by the Kansas Board of Regents.

Controlling Purpose: 

The Biology Review Course is designed to help the student increase their knowledge concerning basic biological concepts. It is not intended to replace Principles of Biology but may be helpful to Health Profession majors that have not had a recent life science course.  

Learner Outcomes: 

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to apply the basic biological concepts needed to pursue additional life science studies.

Unit  Outcomes for  Criterion Based Evaluation:

The following defines the minimum core content not including the final examination period. Instructors may add other material as time allows.

 Unit 1: Basic Chemistry

 Outcomes: Upon completion of this section, the student will have an understanding of chemistry as it relates to living systems.

  • Diagram and label basic atomic structure
  • Use a periodic table to determine protons, neutrons and electrons
  • Distinguish between neutral atoms and ions regarding electron number
  • Explain the two major types of bonding, covalent and ionic
  • Define and identify acids and basis
  • Use a pH scale to classify acids and basis
  • Distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds
  • Give and briefly define the four major classes of organic compounds

Unit 2:  Cell Physiology 

Outcomes: Upon completion of this section, the student will be able to explain the basic functions of the cell.

  • Identify and give the functions of the cell organelles
  • Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
  • Explain the movement of water into and out of a cell using the terms isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic and osmosis
  • Define and give an example of diffusion
  • Distinguish between active transport and passive transport
  • Diagram the fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane

Unit 3:  Bioenergetics and Cell division

Outcomes: Upon completion of this section, the student will understand the cell processes involved in bioenergetics’ and cell division.

  • Explain the action of enzymes using the terms substrate, active site, enzyme-substrate complex, reactants and products
  • Give the importance of enzymes in the process of metabolism
  • Distinguish between anabolism and catabolism
  • List the chemical equation for cellular respiration and explain it’s importance
  • Explain the importance of ATP in living systems
  • Identify the stages of mitosis
  • Explain the importance of mitosis and meiosis
  • Compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and meiosis

 Unit 4:  Genetics

 Outcomes: Upon completion of this section, the student will understand the relationshipbetween DNA and inheritance.

  • Diagram and label a portion of DNA
  • Explain the relationship between a chromosome, gene and DNA
  • Distinguish between DNA and RNA
  • Diagram and explain the importance of DNA replication
  • Explain the steps involved in transcription, translation and protein synthesis
  • Diagram a genetic cross using a Punnett square
  • Give and briefly define the principles of genetics outlined by Gregor Mendel
  • Apply the principles of genetics to human reproduction and development

Projects Required:             


Text Book required: 

Contact bookstore for current text

Materials/Equipment Required:              


Attendance Policy:

Students should adhere to the attendance policy outlined by the instructor in the course syllabus.

Grading Policy:

The grading policy will be outlined by the instructor in the course syllabus, but at least 50% of the grade will come from proctored assessments.

Maximum Class Size: 

Based on classroom occupancy (24)

Course Time Frame:

The U.S. Department of Education, Higher Learning Commission and the Kansas Board of Regents define credit hour and have specific regulations that the college must follow when developing, teaching and assessing the educational aspects of the college. A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time,  The number of semester hours of credit allowed for each distance education or blended hybrid courses shall be assigned by the college based on the amount of time needed to achieve the same course outcomes in a purely face-to-face format.

Refer to the following policies:

402.00 Academic Code of Conduct

263.00 Student Appeal of Course Grades

403.00 Student Code of Conduct

Disability Services Program:  

Cowley College, in recognition of state and federal laws, will accommodate a student with a documented disability.  If a student has a disability which may impact work in this class which requires accommodations, contact the Disability Services Coordinator.

Disclaimer: This Information is Subject to Change. For the Official Course Procedure Contact Academic Affairs.

Rev. 5/01/2021