Associate of Arts
(The 62.00 credit hours necessary to complete.)
Basic Skills
ENG2211 Composition I (3.00)
ENG2212 Composition II (3.00)
COM2711 Public Speaking or COM2725 Interpersonal Communications (3.00)
MTH4420 College Algebra or higher level math course (3.00)
Computer Literacy Elective (3.00)
Humanities Elective(s) (from three different departments) (9.00)
Social Science Elective(s) (from three different departments) (9.00)
Natural Science / Math Elective(s) (one lab science) (5.00)
Health & Physical Education Elective(s) (1.00)
General Electives (23.00)
Associate of Science
(The 62.00 credit hours necessary to complete.)
Basic Skills
ENG2211 Composition I (3.00)
ENG2212 Composition II (3.00)
COM2711 Public Speaking or COM2725 Interpersonal Communications (3.00)
MTH4420 College Algebra or higher level math course (3.00)
Computer Literacy Elective (3.00)
Humanities Elective(s) (from two different departments) (6.00)
Social Science Elective(s) (from two different departments) (6.00)
Natural Science / Math Elective(s) (four lab science) (20.00)
Health & Physical Education Elective(s) (1.00)
General Electives (14.00)
Associate of General Studies
(The 62.00 credit hours necessary to complete.)
Basic Skills
ENG2211 Composition I (3.00)
ENG2212 Composition II or COM2711 Public Speaking or COM2725 Interpersonal Communications (3.00)
MTH4410 Intermediate Algebra or higher level math course (3.00)
Computer Literacy Elective (3.00)
Humanities Elective(s) (from two different departments) (6.00)
Social Science Elective(s) (from two different departments) (6.00)
Natural Science / Math Elective(s) (one lab science) (5.00)
Health & Physical Education Elective(s) (1.00)
General Electives (32.00)