Oct 25, 2024  
2022 - 2023 Cowley College Academic Catalog 
2022 - 2023 Cowley College Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Policies and Procedures

This section of the catalog includes selected Academic and Student Policies and Procedures. To ensure student success, it is important that students understand governing policies and procedures.

The development and revision of policies and procedures is a continuous process and subject to change without notice.

Go to www.cowley.edu/policy to view all policies and procedures of Cowley College.

Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic Fresh Start

Academic Fresh Start would allow a student at Cowley College who has a poor or marginal academic record the opportunity to continue working toward an associate degree or college certificate without being burdened by his/her past record. Only prior Cowley College students may qualify for the Academic Fresh Start.

Students who return to college after an absence of at least two years from higher education, and who subsequently pass twelve credit hours with a 2.00 GPA or better, may petition to implement the Academic Fresh Start procedure. If the petition is approved, all the grades previous to the return to college will be changed to “NC.” All the courses will continue to appear on the transcript, but will not be calculated into the new GPA. A notation will appear on the transcript indicating the implementation of the Academic Fresh Start procedure.

Academic Fresh Start may be granted only once and does not apply to any courses taken at another college or university. The student enrolls at Cowley College and completes twelve or more credit hours with a GPA of at least 2.0. If Academic Fresh Start is desired by the student, an Academic Fresh Start Petition form should be completed by the student and submitted to the instruction office. Upon receiving the petition, the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs shall appoint an Academic Record Review Committee composed of a minimum of three members to review the student submission. The committee will review the petition and make a judgement. The Registrar will then notify the student of the decision and update the transcript as needed.

The transcript will carry a notation that the previous grade record has been removed , and the calculation of a grade point average and hours toward graduation begin with that date. However, the attempted hours will be noted on the transcript. The exclusion of grades shall not become effective until the student has completed at least twelve (12) credit hours at Cowley College (cannot use S/U grades) and earned a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Academic Progress

  1. Academic Standing
    A student whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.00 or above is considered in good academic standing. Academic standing is determined by all attempted course work at Cowley College. Attempted course work is defined as any course that has received a grade of A, B, C, D, or F. Courses that have received a grade of W are not included in attempted course work.
  2. Academic Probation
    1. Cowley College students are expected to perform at an academic level sufficient for graduation. Any student whose current semester grade point average falls below the following guidelines after attempting twelve (12) or more total credit hours will be placed on academic probation and notified by letter after semester grades have been posted.
      Hours Attempted Required Cumulative GPA
      1-11 N/A
      12-30 1.75
      31+ 2.00


    2. Students placed on probation shall not enroll in more than twelve (12) credit hours the following semester without consent of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).

  3. Academic Improvement Plan
    Once placed on academic probation, the student must adhere to each of the following guidelines to continue enrollment in subsequent semesters.
    1. The student has one semester to make progress toward the minimum standards outlined above or the student will be suspended from Cowley College for one semester (fall or spring).
    2. At the end of this time period, the student will be readmitted on a probationary basis and required to maintain a 2.0 semester GPA until the minimum cumulative GPA standard is met.
    3. The student will complete a course on academic success by the end of the first semester of academic probation.
  4. Academic Suspension
    Any student on academic probation that does not meet each of the criteria under the academic improvement plan outlined above will be suspended from enrollment at Cowley College for one semester (fall or spring). The student will be notified by letter of the suspension. Upon return to Cowley College, the student must make academic progress and maintain a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher until the student is in good academic standing. Failure to maintain the semester GPA requirement will result in subsequent academic suspension of one academic year (fall, spring, and summer).
    Academically suspended students may appeal in writing to the CAO. All appeals must provide written documentation substantiating the student’s reinstatement request.
  5. Academic progress standards for recipients of financial aid are outlined in Policy 433.00.

Access to Student Information

The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Schools must have written permission from the student in order to release any information from a student’s record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):

  • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties concerning financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for, or on behalf of, the school;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
  • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law.

According to this law, Cowley College is NOT allowed to release information to parties such as family members, employers, etc. If a student wishes to authorize the release of information such as educational, financial aid, or billing information to third parties not covered under this law, a Release of Information Form must be signed by the student and kept on file in the Registrar’s office. A Release of Information Form will be valid until revoked by the student in writing.

According to this law, schools MAY DISCLOSE WITHOUT CONSENT the following directory information about students:

  • Name
  • Addresses (Current and Permanent)
  • Telephone number
  • Date and place of birth
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Height and weight of members of athletic teams
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Most recent previous educational institution attended
  • Photograph
  • Email addresses; and
  • Enrollment status (full-time, half time, less than halftime)

Students who object to the disclosure of any of the directory information listed above may notify the Registrar’s office, in writing, of the item(s) that should not be released without consent. A student must submit notification within the first three weeks of a semester. Please be aware that if a student chooses to block disclosure of this information, the college will not release this information to ANY party, including the National Student Loan Clearinghouse.

Parents will have access to the educational record of students less than 18 years of age. The parents must provide a written statement and verification that the student is listed as a dependent on the parents’ latest federal income tax forms.

A student has the right to file a complaint if the college fails to comply with the requirements of this law. A copy of the college’s policy may be obtained from the Registrar’s office.

If Cowley College were to ever close, access to academic and financial records will be kept on file with the Kansas Board of Regents. The college will assist current students in researching and locating an institution that meets their academic progress needs.


Credit For Prior Learning

The College will award course credit for non-traditional educational experience validated by performance on approved examinations, military training transcripts, certifications and professional credentials or evaluation of experiential learning through life experience. Administration of examinations or evaluation procedures for granting credit shall be authorized by the Chief Academic Officer. The student shall pay all fees related to the administration of the examination or evaluation of credit but will not be charged for the tuition for the hours of credit applied through prior learning. The associate degree of vocational certificate requires 15 credit hours earned in residence at Cowley College. College Level Examination Program (CLEP), advanced standing, or other non-graded hours awarded by Cowley College will not count toward satisfying residence hours.

Standardized Exams (CLEP/AP/ACT/SAT/IB):

Students must complete 12 semester hours at Cowley with a GPA of 2.0 or higher before Advanced Placement or CLEP credit is listed on the transcript.

A maximum of 15 semester hours of credit may be awarded to a student who scores at a level established by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) on one or more of the subject matter examinations CLEP or the CEEB Advanced Placement tests.

A maximum of 15 semester hours may be awarded to a student who meets the required scores on the International Baccalaureate Exams (IB). (Refer to the subject level exams and required scores for IB Credit published by the Registrar.)

Credit will be awarded for ACT or SAT scores that meet the required scores established by the Registrar’s office. Credit for the appropriate course will appear on the Cowley College transcript with a grade of “CR.”

Credit will not be awarded if:

  • Student has received a grade for college classes representing the same content. (Advanced standing credit or standardized exams cannot be used to repeat classroom credit.)
  • Student has been awarded credit through other nontraditional programs in areas representing the same content.

The College Level Examination Program is designed to enable those who have achieved college level education outside the classroom through independent study, correspondence, television instruction, past experience, or other traditional or nontraditional means, to demonstrate their level of achievement and use the test results to earn college credit.

Please consult the current list to ascertain the current subject examination accepted by Cowley College at www.cowley.edu/academics/registrar/clep_ap.pdf. Not all available subject examinations are accepted by Cowley College.

Military Credits:

A maximum of 20 semester hours may be awarded to a student who scores at the level established by the American Council on Education (ACE) for the United States in accordance with Board Policy 264.

Students enrolled at Cowley College may earn college credit for educational experiences in the armed services. Credit is awarded based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.

The College grants credit in certain courses for honorably discharged service personnel who have previously served on active duty with the United States Armed Forces for a period of at least one year.

Military correspondence courses, most vocational courses and courses that last less than two weeks are not recognized for college-level credit.

Students in the military can request to have their military experiences and training evaluated by providing the official documentation required by the school.

Please note, before an evaluation can be completed, the student must have passed at least six credit hours with Cowley College. Service members can request to have their military evaluation re-evaluated once every six months. The equivalent of one semester of college work (up to 18 semester hours) is the maximum credit allowed for military service.

The Kansas Collaborative on Military Credit has been working to evaluate and award credit for military training. Refer to the Kansas Board of Regents website on College Credit for Military Service for additional information.

Certifications and Professional Credentials:

Credit may be awarded for industry related certifications and professional licenses if directly aligned with a specific college course or program curriculum. An evaluation will be conducted and credit awarded upon approval. The college uses ACE guidelines as an evaluation tool.

Evaluation of Life Experience:

A maximum of 20 semester hours may be awarded to a student through evaluation of life experiences based on the Registrar’s published guidelines for earning college credit through evaluation of life experience.

If the student has worked in the trade, they can apply for Life Experience credit or complete a competency test for vocational classes and pay the appropriate fee. (Test fees are $50.00 per test.) Contact the Registrar for additional information.

Cowley College will evaluate portfolios that document meaningful life experiences and award credit for appropriate achievement. This documentation should include, but is not limited to certificates of training, syllabi, and other documentation describing the type and scope of training or experience. Some colleges and universities will not accept credit for life experience granted at a community college. Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university may have to reapply for credit for life experiences at the four-year institution.

Courses, Attendance, Class Work, and Grades

At the beginning of each grading period, the instructor shall publicize his/her class policies. Excessive absences may result in the student not meeting the competencies of the course. Behavioral or disruptive issues may result in the student being withdrawn from the class by the Registrar at the request of the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the course for reasons of academic performance through the Registrar’s office.

  1. Each instructor shall publicize, both orally and in written form, to the students in his/her class, the attendance, course requirements, and grading policies, which are in accordance with college policy.
  2. The student should adhere to the individual instructor’s policy with regards to attendance.
  3. Tardiness impairs learning and should be avoided. Excessive tardiness that disrupts the learning of others is considered disruptive behavior and could cause the instructor to start class withdrawal procedures of a student.
  4. Late registrations will be accepted by the Registrar with concurrence of the instructor involved and approval of the Chief Academic Officer (CAO). Days missed will be counted as authorized absences.
  5. Absences from class may be authorized by the CAO for participation in college sponsored activities or to represent the institution in an official capacity.
  6. Before an instructor is permitted to submit to the Registrar a request for withdrawal of a behavioral or disruptive issue student from classes, an incident report must be initiated by the instructor stating the specifics of the behavioral or disruptive issue. It is the responsibility of the instructor to file this report with the Instruction office.
  7. A student may petition for reinstatement in the class within five days of notification of withdrawal, according to provisions of Section 262.00 of the Policy Manual.

Students are required to be on campus for scheduled class sessions. Any absence from class entails a loss, which is difficult for the student to make up. Excused absences are only given to students for college related activities. It is the responsibility of the student to make up course work missed for any reason. At the beginning of each grading period, instructors shall publicize their class policies. Each instructor shall determine when the absence and/or sub-standard performance may result in the student being withdrawn from the class by the Registrar. Before an instructor is permitted to submit to the Registrar a request for withdrawal of a student from classes, the instructor must initiate a Student Academic Progress Report (SARs).

Attendance Definition

The Higher Learning commission defines attendance in an online course by the submission of classwork, therefore, student must submit coursework to be considered “attended”.

Face-to Face Courses being physically present in the classroom when the course is in session is counted as attended.

In order to report an accurate enrollment to the Kansas State Board of Regents and IPEDS, students who do not attend class by the above definitions will be designated as a “no show” by their instructor on the official certified roster and will be dropped from the course by the registrar.

Students may appeal to be reinstated into the course within two days of being dropped as non-attended.

The exception to this is the Winter Session. Because these short term courses depend heavily on enrollment to be offered/held. Students will not be dropped by the registrar. It is incumbent upon the student to drop within the refund period (printed on the student’s schedule) or withdraw by the last day to withdraw.

Auditing a Class

Occasionally, students may wish to participate in a class offering for personal goals and not desire course credit or the additional work required by preparing for examinations and papers. Auditing a class means the student attends the class regularly but does not take exams or complete assignments. No credit is awarded for the audited class. A student may attend a class for audit credit provided the following criteria are met:

  • The course has adequate space, physical and instructional, to accommodate the auditing student.
  • All course pre-requisites must be met or the student must obtain the approval of the instructor.
  • Registration for audit classes will be accepted one week before and through the add period of the class.
  • Payment of $100.00 is due at the time of enrollment and is non-refundable. Financial aid and scholarship monies may not be used for audit courses and may not be charged to the student’s account.
  • The course is approved for audit credit (each department will determine which courses, if any, may be taken for audit credit).

A grade of AU will be recorded on the student’s transcript. Under no circumstances may a class audited be changed to a class taken for credit, nor will a class enrolled in for credit be changed to a class for audit.

A class that has been audited cannot be taken for credit at a later date. An audit enrollment request form may be obtained from the Registrar.

Cancellation of Classes

Occasionally, a course will not have sufficient enrollment to justify holding the class. Therefore, Cowley College reserves the right to cancel, combine, or divide classes; to change the time or make other changes in the class offerings; and to do so without incurring obligation.

The College develops an academic schedule of course offerings for Fall, Spring and Summer terms that ensure program and degree requirements are available to students, as well as meeting minimum class time requirements as specified by College Policy #280 - Credit Hour Definition.

Once published, changes to the scheduled time of meeting or the scheduled room assignment require approval from the Academic Affairs office. If an instructor must cancel a class session, they shall notify the Chief Academic Officer or designee of his/her intent to be absent as soon as possible, and shall initiate the procedure for notifying students or obtaining a substitute, if required.

Credit Hour

The U.S. Department of Education, Higher Learning Commission and the Kansas Board of Regents define credit hour and have specific regulations that the college must follow when developing, teaching and assessing the educational aspects of the college. As such, the college shall utilize and adhere to the following:

  1. A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.
  2. The college shall record one semester hour of credit for any student attending a lecture class if the student has made satisfactory progress in the class and the class consists of at least 750 minutes of class instruction, plus time allowed for a final examination. The college shall record one semester hour of credit for any student attending a laboratory class if the student has made satisfactory progress in the class and the class consists of at least 1,125 minutes. The college shall record one semester hour of credit for any student who completes a minimum of 2,700 minutes in on-the-job training, internships, practical, studio work, or clinical experiences in health occupations.
  3. The number of semester hours of credit allowed for each distance education or blended hybrid courses shall be assigned by the college based on the amount of time needed to achieve the same course outcomes in a purely face-to-face format.

Credit Transferred From Other Colleges

Transfer credits will be accepted from vocational-technical schools, colleges, and universities starting from the year that they are accredited or hold candidacy status with the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools or other similar regionally accrediting body. Transfer credit from other institutions is subject to approval by the Registrar. All transfer credit will be equated to the semester-hour system. All credits earned with an F grade or higher will be transferred. Transfer hours are not included in Cowley College grade-point average but are included in the cumulative GPA toward the graduation requirements.

Cowley College will accept survey courses in religion from a non-regional accredited institution for a maximum of 6 credit hours. These credits will be counted as credits towards humanities requirements or elective hours toward graduation. Students should be aware that when they transfer to another college or university they may have to validate their course work again.

The coursework from a non- regional accredited institution will not be entered in its entirety on the Cowley College transcript, but only those courses that have been approved will have the notation of credit hour, letter grade, and grade points.

Final Examinations

A final examination is required for each academic credit course. Examinations are either given according to a finals schedule found in the enrollment guide, on the Cowley College Web site, or the last meeting date of the course. Students must take such examinations at the scheduled time. Permission to take final examinations at another time will be granted only for compelling reasons, not including convenience of the student. Such permission, if granted, must be secured from the Vice President of Academic Affairs PRIOR to the time of the final examination in question. Failure to appear for a final examination may result in loss of credit for the course.

Full-time Status

To be considered a full-time student for registration, scholarships, and financial aid purposes, a student must be enrolled in at least twelve (12) credit hours per semester. Students using Veterans benefits will be considered full-time based upon the standards of the benefit chapter as defined by the VA.

Student Appeal of Course Grades

The evaluation of student performance reflected in the final course grade becomes a part of the permanent student record of the College and is recorded on the College Transcript for the student. This grade is based upon several factors relating to the achievement of course objectives, as assessed by the instructor according to the policies of the College, and shall be considered final, unless an appropriate appeal is filed by a student according to the following procedures:

If a student is dissatisfied with a course grade issued by the instructor, and said student has reason to believe the grade issued is incorrect, the following appeal provisions, and no other, may be followed by such student:

  1. The aggrieved student shall, within 90 days following issuance of the grade, confer with the instructor who issued such grade, and outline the reasons why it is felt that the grade has been incorrectly issued. The instructor shall advise the student what change, if any, is to be made as a result of the conference, and should the instructor feel the grade was correctly issued, shall also communicate the decision to the student. If the instructor believes that the grade was incorrectly assigned to the student a n Instructor Grade Change Petion should be filed and submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The student will be notified of the grade change by the Registrar’s office.
  2. If such student’s dissatisfaction persists, he or she may request in writing, within 90 days following the original issuance of grade, that the case be reviewed at a hearing involving the Vice President of Academic Affairs or their designee, the instructor who issued the grade, the Chairperson of the department or the Instructional Director involved or their designee, and the student appealing. Written request shall be obtained by requesting the Student Grade Appeal Form in the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The review conference shall be held within the semester that the appeal is filed. The Vice President of Academic Affairs or their designee along with the grade appeal committee members within 10 calendar days following the review will render a decision and notify the student of such decision in writing. This decision is final.

These terms are outlined in Cowley College Policy #263.00.

Assignment of Grades

A student having completed all requirements for a course shall have the achievements evaluated by the instructor and recorded on the permanent record. After the specified appeal and/or make-up period has expired, the recorded grade shall be considered final.

  1. To be eligible to receive a letter grade denoting college credit, the student shall complete all registration requirements, pay all specified fees and tuition, satisfy the attendance requirements of the instructor, and complete the academic requirements specified for the course. “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” represent passing grades in descending order of value. “I” indicates that the work for the grading period is incomplete. “W” indicates that the student withdrew from the course. “F” represents failing work and will be computed in the grade-point average and hours attempted. See policy 204.00 for audit grade.
  2. An incomplete “I” grade is given only when a course cannot be completed because of illness or other special conditions beyond the control of the student. An incomplete cannot be granted before three-quarters of the course is completed (which is past the last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” grade). The student will enter into a contract with the instructor to outline course work necessary to complete the course and require the approval of the CAO. The contract must be executed prior to the first day of the published schedule for final examinations and submitted to the Registrar’s office. The contract terms must be fulfilled by the date designated on the contract but no later than December 1, and May 1 of the following semester. An “I” grade will be changed to “F” if the instructor does not initiate a grade change within one week after the contract deadline following the grading period for which the “I” was given.
  3. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grade Option. Any seminar, special training course, business and industry-related course, or activities class may be offered by the college on the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) system. The student may petition the Registrar to arrange to take a class offered on the S/U system for a grade. This petition must be turned in by the end of the first week of class. No more than fifteen (15) credit hours can be counted toward graduation from Cowley College that have been taken on the S/U system without approval of the CAO.
  4. A student must be withdrawn or may withdraw from a course no later than November 15, April 15, or see class schedule for summer, of the respective semester in which he/she is enrolled. A student who is withdrawn by the Registrar may file a petition with the Registrar for reinstatement within five (5) days of notification of withdrawal. If such petition is denied, the student may appeal to a hearing committee comprised of the department chairperson and the CAO. Such written appeal shall be made to the CAO within five (5) days after a decision rendered by the Registrar. If no appeal is filed, or if the appeal is denied, the letter “W” shall be entered on the transcript denoting withdrawal and no college credit will be awarded. If withdrawn by faculty, the withdrawal must be submitted at least 15 days before the above dates. This notation is not subject to change.

Records on Hold

Student records may be placed on hold for reasons including but not limited to: missing official transcript from another institution, a financial obligation to the college, failure to complete the financial aid entry and exit interview, bookstore or library books due.

Students on hold will not be allowed to do any of the following until the hold is removed:

  1. Add any class during the semester.
  2. Enroll in courses in subsequent semesters.
  3. Obtain a transcript.
  4. Receive a diploma or certificate.

Refunds for Cancelled Classes

Students in a class that is cancelled may either transfer to a different class or request a refund.
Students enrolled in a class that is cancelled due to low enrollment will get a full refund regardless of the date the class is cancelled. Refunds are generally issued within two weeks of the cancellation date.

Repeating a Class

When the student has repeated a course for credit, or to raise a grade previously earned, the grade and grade points earned in the most recent attempt of the course will be used in computing total grade points, or in determining the grade for the course. However, the first class will not be deleted from the transcript.

Semester System

At Cowley College, the academic year is comprised of three grading periods: Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. The fall semester runs from mid-August to mid-December; the spring semester runs from mid-January to mid-May; and the summer semester runs through the months of June and July. There will be courses that will not follow this calendar semester system.

Students Receiving Federal Financial Aid

Students who are receiving or anticipate receiving federal financial aid must have their files 100 percent complete by August 1 for the Fall semester, December 1 for the Spring semester, or May 1 for the Summer semester for aid to be considered as payment.


The Registrar’s office will maintain the academic record of course work completed at the college. Transcripts will be released only after receipt of the student’s signed written request and payment of a transcript fee. Transcripts issued to the student will be marked “Issued to Student.” Transcripts will not be released if the student’s records are on hold. Official transcripts from other institutions cannot be released to any individual or institution. Any release of student transcript information will be approved and documented by the Registrar.

Verification of Enrollment

Requests to verify a student’s enrollment must be made in writing. Students may obtain a form from the Registrar’s office or on the Cowley College Web site. The form must be returned to the Registrar’s office including:

  • Student’s full name
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security number
  • Semester to be verified (present and past, but not future)
  • Student’s signature
  • Complete address where verification information is to be mailed
  • If enrollment verification is for health insurance purposes, name of parent and policy number must be provided

Faxes will be treated as daily mail and will not be given priority treatment.

Current semester enrollment can be verified after classes have been in session one week. Enrollment will not be verified for those students with financial obligations.

For high school students concurrently enrolled, the college is able to provide verification to the high school that the student is attending and making progress in the class.

The same information may be released to the home school administrator for home-schooled students.

Withdrawal From Courses

Withdrawal - Administrative

A student may be administratively withdrawn from a course by a member of the college administration. An administrative withdrawal may result from violation of classroom or college policies, disruptive behavior, or other just cause. The student will be notified in writing of the withdrawal. The student may file a petition with the Vice President of Academic Affairs for reinstatement within five days of the notification of withdrawal. If reinstatement is denied, the letter grade of “WA” will be entered on the student’s permanent transcript. Tuition and fees will not be refunded in cases of administrative withdrawal.

Complete Withdrawal

A complete withdrawal is defined as a student withdrawing from all their courses for a given semester and not having plans of returning the subsequent semester. Procedure for a complete withdrawal from all classes:

  1. Obtain a COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL form from the Registrar’s office or advisor.
  2. Meet with advisor to complete form.
  3. Return form to Registrar’s office. A “W” grade will be recorded on the student’s permanent record if the withdrawal is after one-quarter of the semester has passed.

A complete withdrawal may have an adverse effect on Federal Aid.

Withdrawal (Partial) - Student Initiated

A student wishing to withdraw from a course must obtain a Course Drop/Withdraw form from the Student Forms section in their Tiger Connect Account, the Registrar’s office, outreach center, or the Cowley College Web site. The withdrawal form must be returned to the Registrar’s office before the withdrawal is official. The student remains responsible for payment of tuition and fees if withdrawal occurs after the refund dates.

Course Drops

A student may drop from a course through the last date for refund printed on the student’s schedule. If this date falls on a weekend or holiday offices are closed, then the student may initiate a drop on the next full business day. After the last date for refund the student may only withdraw from the course (see above). Once the course official roster is submitted to the Registrar’s office, it is the practice of the college to drop students who have not attended a course. (Physically present in face-to-face classes or submitted work in an online course.) Students are dropped with a full refund for the course.

Students can initiate a course drop through their Tiger Connect account, or by completing and submitting a course drop/withdraw form found in Student Forms section of Tiger Connect.


Honor Roll

Students who are enrolled in and complete at least twelve (12) credit hours may qualify for one of two honor rolls published each semester. The President’s Honor Roll is comprised of those students who compile a grade-point average of 4.0 (straight A’s.) Students whose grade-point averages are between 3.50 and 3.99 will be listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll. A student with a single grade lower than a C will automatically be disqualified from the two honor rolls regardless of the quality of the other grades earned for the semester.

Graduation Honors

Degree candidates who have completed a minimum of thirty (30) graded hours in residence, and are seeking an AA, AS, AFA, AGS, or AAS are considered for graduation with scholastic honors as follows:

Summa Cum Laude - 4.00 GPA

Magna Cum Laude - 3.999 - 3.950 GPA

Cum Laude - 3.949 - 3.750 GPA

Honors are based on the student’s final grade point average, including all transfer hours, and including a minimum of thirty (30) resident Cowley College credit hours. Cowley College will post degrees on three different dates: May, July, and December. The graduation honors will be figured at those times. Students who earn certificates only are not eligible to graduate with honors. (Note: Honors for Commencement Exercises will be calculated from the previous semester career GPA.) For students receiving honors, honor cords are packaged with the cap and gown. Students who do not participate in commencement but would like their honor cords must request them from the registrar’s office once all final grades are posted.

Student Policies and Procedures

For the sixteen-week term, complete withdrawals must be processed by November 15 (Fall semester) and April 15 (Spring semester). For a term of eight weeks or less, a student may withdraw from the college up to the date of 75% completion of the class. Students who stop attending a class will receive an “F” for that course if they do not officially withdraw. The last day of attendance will be defined as the date a student officially withdraws from classes as indicated on the official withdrawal form. For students who do not officially withdraw from classes, the college will ascertain the last day of attendance by reviewing faculty attendance records.

Cowley College is dedicated to providing a safe and orderly learning-centered environment, and college policies and procedures are designed to foster such an atmosphere. The development of institutional policies is an ongoing, collaborative effort between students, staff, faculty, administration, and the Board of Trustees. All school policies are based on the four core values of Cowley College: people, leadership, integrity, and accountability. Students who violate school policy are subject to disciplinary action; therefore, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Cowley College policies. All Cowley College’s policies are available at www.cowley.edu/policy.

Academic Code of Conduct

Cowley College is committed to instilling in its students a high level of academic integrity. Integrity in the classroom is a definite expectation. Students who compromise the integrity of the academic process are subject to disciplinary action by the college.

A violation of academic honesty includes, but is not limited to:


Plagiarism is the use of another person’s distinctive ideas or words without acknowledgment. The incorporation of another person’s work into one’s own requires appropriate identification and acknowledgment, regardless of the means of appropriation. The following are considered to be forms of plagiarism when the source is not noted:

  1. Word-for-word copying of another person’s ideas or words.
  2. Submitting another’s published or unpublished work, in whole, in part, or in paraphrase, as one’s own without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference.
  3. Submitting as one’s own, original work, material obtained from an individual or agency without reference to the person or agency as the source of material.
  4. Submitting as one’s own, original work, material that has been produced through unacknowledged collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators.


Cheating involves the possession, communication, or use of information, materials, notes, study aids, or other devices not authorized by the instructor in any academic exercise, or communication with another person during such an exercise. Examples of cheating are:

  1. Use and/or possession of unauthorized material or technology during an examination (any written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or grade), such as tape cassettes, note tests, calculators, cell phones, or computer programs.
  2. Obtaining assistance with or answers to examination questions from another person with or without that person’s knowledge.
  3. Furnishing assistance with or answers to examination questions to another person.
  4. Possessing, using, distributing, or selling unauthorized copies of an examination, or computer program.
  5. Representing as one’s own an examination, paper or project taken by another person.
  6. Taking an examination in place of another person or turning in another’s work on a paper or project.
  7. Obtaining unauthorized access to the computer files of another person or agency, and/or altering or destroying those files.

Fabrication and Falsification

Fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information, i.e., creating results not obtained in a study or laboratory experiment. Falsification, on the other hand, involves the deliberate alteration or changing of results to suit one’s needs in an experiment or other academic exercise.

Multiple Submission

This is the submission of academic work for which academic credit has already been earned, when such submission is made without instructor authorization.

Misuse of Academic Materials

The misuse of academic materials includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Stealing or destroying library or reference materials or computer programs.
  2. Stealing or destroying another student’s materials in one’s possession without the owner’s permission.
  3. Receiving assistance in locating or using sources of information in an assignment when such assistance has been forbidden by the instructor.
  4. Illegitimate possession, disposition, or use of examinations or answer keys to examinations.
  5. Unauthorized alteration, forgery, or falsification of academic records.
  6. Unauthorized sale or purchase of examinations, papers, or assignments.

Complicity in Academic Dishonesty

Complicity involves knowingly contributing to another’s acts of academic dishonesty. If a student is ever in doubt about the specific guidelines governing individual or group work with respect to a particular course or assignment, be sure to ask the instructor for clarification.

Any Cowley College student who assists another student in an act of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action whether or not the complicit student is enrolled in the class for which the dishonest act occurred. The complicit student will be notified by the Vice President of Academic Affairs that he or she has been involved with an academic integrity issue and subject to disciplinary action.

Institutional Academic Integrity Misconduct Disciplinary Action

The college is committed to academic integrity; students must take this issue very seriously. The intent of this policy is not one of punishment but rather the promotion of ethical, professional, and honest behaviors. However, if an academic code of conduct violation is found, this policy was developed to provide a consistent method for institution action. Students who are unclear about the rules governing any aspects of academic integrity should ask the instructor for clarification or guidance.

The original jurisdiction of any case involving academic misconduct shall be with the faculty member whose course the alleged misconduct occurred. If a faculty member suspects a student of academic misconduct, he or she must inform the student without unnecessary delay of the alleged misconduct and provide the student the opportunity to respond before taking any action. If convinced that an academic integrity violation occurred, the instructor must complete an academic integrity incident report and forward it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The student will receive a zero for the assignment. If a student was aided in the academic integrity event by student who is not in the class, the instructor must also complete an academic integrity incident report for that student and forward it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

The process of completing an academic integrity incident report and subsequent discussion with the student is completed by the faculty member for each occurrence.

The Vice President of Academic Affairs shall track all academic integrity violations and act in the following manner:

First Violation and Resolution

The student’s first violation at the college will result in a zero for the assignment. The student will be notified of the violation by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and reminded about the importance of academic integrity at this institution. If a student was complicit in the event and not enrolled in the course where the violation occurred, he or she will be notified of the importance of academic integrity and seriousness of the violation.

Second Violation and Resolution

The student’s second violation at the college will result in an XF grade for the course. The student will be notified of the violation by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and reminded about the importance of academic integrity at this institution. If a student was complicit in the event and not enrolled in the course where the violation occurred, he or she will be notified of the importance of academic integrity and seriousness of the violation.

The XF grade is noted on the student transcript and denotes a failing grade due to a violation of the academic integrity policy. It is possible to have the XF grade changed to an F if desired by the student. To have the XF grade removed from his or her transcript, the student must perform twenty
(20) hours of community service and successfully complete a short course on academic honesty by the end of the following semester. The community service will be arranged through A.C.E.S. and will be completed at the discretion of the A.C.E.S. sponsor. The academic integrity course is one (1) credit hour of length and will be at the student’s expense with no financial aid or scholarship assistance. The academic affairs office may keep internal records that show the student received an XF grade that was later converted to an F after completion of the required community service and short course on academic honesty. An XF grade cannot be erased from the Academic Fresh Start program.

Third Violation and Resolution

The third offense of academic misconduct will result in administrative withdrawal from the institution for a period of one academic year.

Due Process

The student so affected by an academic integrity violation and disciplinary action shall have the right of appeal through the Academic Affairs office. Students suspected of academic misconduct, whether acknowledging involvement or not, shall be allowed to continue the course without prejudice pending disciplinary actions. The student must notify the Vice President of Academic Affairs within ten (10) days of the event. An appeal hearing committee will be appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs which will include two faculty member and the faculty member’s department chair, one student senate representative, and others as deemed necessary. Students will receive written notification of the appeal decision within eight days of the hearing. The appeal committee decision is final.

See policy as outlined in Cowley College Policy #402.00.

Student Code of Conduct

Students attending Cowley College are expected to conduct themselves as responsible individuals at all times while on campus and off campus when on a college approved activity. Acts of incivility or other behavior which interferes with or detracts from the learning-centered environment are not acceptable. In addition, student actions which violate school policies or local, state, or federal laws are not tolerated and may result in dismissal from the college or other disciplinary action.

The Chief Academic Officer (CAO), who is charged with the responsibility for maintaining a College atmosphere which is conducive to academic development and social growth, shall be empowered with due authority to suspend, expel, or to specify and enforce other disciplinary measures for students who violate College policies or commonly accepted standards of conduct. “Due Process” shall be available as defined in policy 405.00 to students who are suspended or expelled. In the absence of the CAO, the designated shall assume the above described responsibilities.

  1. Intoxicating Beverages and/or Illegal Drugs: No alcoholic or cereal malt beverages and/or illegal drugs shall be allowed on the campus or at school-sponsored functions.
  2. Tobacco use of all forms is prohibited within any college building. Smoking is permitted outdoors on campus; however, smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of any building entrance and is also prohibited within 25 feet of any designated “smoke free” outdoor table. Students who violate the tobacco regulations will be subject to fines as well as other disciplinary action.
  3. Dress and Appearance: Students are expected to be clean and dress within the limits of general trends of dress at this college. Additionally, dress must be in accordance with all laws pertaining to health, sanitation, and insurance.
  4. Classroom and Campus Expectations: Students are expected to behave in a civil and professional manner in the traditional and online classrooms, all college locations, and in all modes of communication. Instructors shall not permit the continued presence of disruptive behavior in class. All employees shall be responsible for ensuring a civil and professional college environment and notify the student and appropriate college authorities should the inappropriate behavior continue.
  5. Visitors and Children: Only students who are enrolled in classes are allowed to attend. Children and visitors must have prior approval from administration to attend class sessions. While on campus children and visitors must adhere to all school policies. All children under the age of 16 must be under direct supervision of a parent or guardian while on campus.
  6. Destruction of Property and/or Theft: Students are expected to respect the rights and property of other students, faculty, staff, etc. Destruction of property and/or theft violates expected student conduct.
  7. Weapons: Students shall not possess, discharge or use weapons, firearms, knives, BB guns, pellet guns, explosives, explosive devices, fireworks of any type, or items of a similar nature or purpose.
  8. Student Identification Cards: All enrolled students at Cowley College are required to obtain a student ID card. Students must carry their current ID card with them at all times on campus.
  9. Electronic Devices: Cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices shall not be used in a manner that causes disruption in the classroom, library, or within any college-owned or college- operated facilities. This includes abuse of cellular devices with photographic capability. Utilizing these devices for the purposes of photographing test questions or other forms of academic misconduct or illegal activity is prohibited, as is photographing individuals in secured areas such as lavatories or locker rooms. Taking photographs of any individuals against their will is strictly prohibited.
  10. Cowley College believes in fostering a campus climate that promotes physical and mental well- being as well as a safe and orderly campus environment. In the event that a student is referred to the CAO or designee for mental health concerns, and the CAO or designee reasonably determines that a student is or may be a danger to himself or others, the student shall be required to undergo a mandatory mental health assessment with the Student Life Counselor or other pre-approved counselor. The purpose of said assessment is to determine if intervention, treatment, and/or a counseling program is necessary.
    Along with the assessment, the student shall agree to sign release documents which allow the CAO or designee access to information regarding the assessment results, the treatment plan, and progress reports if there are continued sessions with a counselor.

The student may be withheld from attending classes until such mandatory assessment is complete and a plan of action is in place. If a student refuses to comply with the assessment or treatment plan, the student may be removed from the college.

See policy as outlined in Cowley College Policy, #403.00.

Student Right to Know

Cowley College is a public institution and is therefore required by law to provide information to the public. Prospective and current students have the right to know graduation rates, program completion rates, and campus crime statistics. Graduation and completion rates are published each year and reports are available from the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The annual crime statistics report is available on the Cowley College Web site or a copy may be obtained from the Cowley College Security Office.