The profession of social work is devoted to helping people function optimally in their environment by providing direct and indirect services to individuals, families, groups, and communities. Time and talents of social workers are also devoted to studying and helping to solve social problems in American society. Bachelor’s degree programs in social work prepare students for careers in public and private agencies such as child welfare agencies, housing agencies, rehabilitation agencies, the mental health field, and other helping fields. After completing your bachelor’s degree in Social Work (BSW), social workers are encouraged to take the state board test to be licensed (LBSW). After licensing, social workers are able to find employment in numerous agencies and with the state government.
Students should complete the Associate of Arts degree prior to transfer and should be aware that it may be necessary to take additional credit hours depending on the requirements of the intended transfer institution. Since admission to social work programs is competitive, completion of the recommended courses alone does not guarantee admission. These course recommendations are intended for students who are undecided about a transfer school. Students who have selected a transfer school should consult the catalog of that school and an academic advisor for requirements appropriate to the first two years of study.
Symbol(s) Translation:
(T►) - Kansas Regents Systemwide Transfer Course
($) - Special Funding Identifier
SGE - Systemwide General Education Designation
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