Mar 02, 2025
2019 - 2020 Cowley College Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Dietetics Transfer Pathway (AS)
An Associate of Science transfer pathway in Dietetics (science of food and nutrition) will prepare a student to continue to a four-year university to compete a baccalaureate degree in dietetics. Upon completion of the B.S. degree requirements, an accredited dietetic internship, and passing the national credentialing exam, Registered Dietitians (RDs) can work in many settings, including health care facilities such as hospitals and extended care facilities. Dietitians also may be found working in public health settings, such as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs, food stamp programs, programs for the elderly, non-commercial and/or commercial foodservice operations, or in private practice counseling.
General Education Requirements (48 hours)
Computer Literacy (3 hours)
Humanities (6 hours)
Complete courses from 2 Different Departments (ART, FOL, HIS, HUM, LIT, MIN, MUS, PHO, REL, THE) - Studio and Performance courses cannot be included. For a list of course options click this link Humanities Elective(s) . - Humanities Elective 1 - 3 hour(s) _______________________________________
- Humanities Elective 2 - 3 hour(s) _______________________________________
Social Sciences (6 hours)
Complete 6 hours of Social Science Electives. This pathway requires students to complete ECO6113 Principles of Macroeconomics and either PSY6711 General Psychology or SOC6811 Principles of Sociology to meet their requirements. Science and Math (20 hours)
Complete 20 hours of Lab Science coursework as listed. Students have the option of completing BIO4125 General Biology I or BIO4111 Principles of Biology. Recommended Transfer Pathway Electives (14 hours)*
The Associate of Science degree requires a minimum of 14 hours of pathway electives. Students should work with their advisor and transfer institution to determine the most appropriate courses within this block. Minimum Hours for a Degree 62*
*A minimum of 62 hours is required to earn a Cowley Degree, however additional credit hours may be outlined on the transfer pathway to meet the program requirements for a transfer institution. Depending on skill level and assessment scores, students may be required to take the necessary basic skill or prerequisite courses prior to enrolling in the program courses. |