Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Cowley College Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Cowley College Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



1 Credit Hour

Student Level:

This course is open to students in their sophomore year, see prerequisite and concurrent enrollment statement below.

Catalog Description:

EDU6212 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession - Field Experience (1 hr)

This is an extension of EDU6211 Introduction to Teaching Professions course and provides an opportunity for hands-on experiences in a PreK-12 classroom.  Students are required to complete 25 hours in the field during the semester and reflect upon topics and issues presented in the EDU6211 course. Co-requisite of EDU6211 Introduction to Teaching Profession


Course Classification:



Concurrent enrollment in EDU 6211 Introduction to Teaching Profession. This course requires 25 hours of volunteer time in a Unified School District PreK-12 classroom, to be arranged by the Director of Education.

Prerequisites for EDU6211: ENG2211 Composition I & ENG2212 Composition II and recommended: US History, General Psychology, Sociology (or equivalent), College Algebra, Computer Applications

Controlling Purpose:

The more involvement prospective teachers have with the education process the easier and more rewarding the first-year teaching experience will be.  Therefore, we provide an opportunity for students to spend 25 hours observing and working with mentoring teachers in their field. Students complete reflective assignments over topics covered in EDU 6211 Introduction to Teaching Profession. These assignments provide opportunity for connecting educational concepts and practices from course work to real world situations

Learner Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate competency in the outcomes outlined in this course procedure.

Unit Outcomes for Criterion Based Evaluation:

The following outline defines the minimum core content not including the final examination period.  Instructors may add other material as time allows.

UNIT 1: Professionalism and Reflection

Outcomes: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to successfully:

  • Demonstrate commitment and understanding of his/her responsibility in the learning process through regular attendance, timely completion of assignments and participation in group discussions.
  • Demonstrate appropriate dispositions of becoming a teacher through collecting evidence of knowledge, skills, performance and self-motivation.
  • Reflect ideas discussed in class through a formal writing process.
  • Reflect clear, concise view points and justify conclusions through supportive statements rather than personal opinions or judgments in oral communication.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking through recognition of challenges and development of possible solutions.
  • Demonstrate appropriate attitude toward self, curriculum or subject matter, peers, faculty and staff and/or other professionals.

UNIT 2: Teaching Profession

Outcomes: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to successfully:

  • Define the role of today’s teacher.
  • Define, recognize and represent characteristics of the effective teacher.
  • Select and discuss the characteristics of the effective schools.
  • Develop awareness of the various positions available in the field of education.
  • Demonstrate reflective decision making in reflective writing assignments, oral presentations and final conclusions.
  • Recognize learning styles and the various influences on the learning process.
  • Recognize classroom and behavior management techniques.
  • Demonstrate fluency in using the language and vocabulary of education.

UNIT 3: Human Development and Diversity

Outcomes: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to successfully:

  • Recognize the diversity of today’s students and discuss the various challenges which might be presented in the classroom.
  • Develop an awareness of the social and economic challenges faced by many of today’s students.
  • Recognize various learning styles or needs and discuss ways to implement varied lessons to meet student needs.
  • Understand the different motivations of students.
  • Recognize the importance of understanding human growth and development in the learning process.

UNIT 4: Technology

Outcomes: Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to successfully:

  • Discuss how technology affects teaching and student learning.

Products Required:

Observational Journaling-

  • Students will develop an observational journal. 
  • Student will be asked to reflect upon observations of PreK-12 classrooms.
  • Student will be expected to apply research, theories, philosophies, etc. to reflective responses on various journaling topics. 
  • Students will be expected to observe two levels of PreK-12 education (i.e. PreK, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.)

Attendance Policy: 

Students should adhere to the attendance policy outlined by the instructor in the course syllabus.

Grading Policy:

The grading policy will be outlined by the instructor in the course syllabus.


Contact Bookstore for current textbook.

Materials/Equipment Required:

Current version of Microsoft Office.

Maximum class size:

Based on classroom occupancy

Course Time Frame:

The U.S. Department of Education, Higher Learning Commission, and the Kansas Board of Regents define credit hour and have specific regulations that the college must follow when developing, teaching, and assessing the educational aspects of the college. A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. The number of semester hours of credit allowed for each distance education or blended hybrid courses shall be assigned by the college based on the amount of time needed to achieve the same course outcomes in a purely face-to-face format.

Refer to the following policies:

402.00 Academic Code of Conduct

263.00 Student Appeal of Course Grades

403.00 Student Code of Conduct

Disability Services Program: 

Cowley College, in recognition of state and federal laws, will accommodate a student with a documented disability.  If a student has a disability which may impact work in this class which requires accommodations,   contact the Disability Services Coordinator.


Last Update: 6/2021